
Information You Should Know About The Most Common Heart Disease Type (CAD)

          The most common heart disease type in both men and women is coronary artery disease. A family history of this disease greatly increases persons chances of being victimized by CAD. But even if you don't have a family history of heart and/or artery disease you may be at risk and should know how to recognizing and effectively manage this disease before it lands you in the emergency room surrounded by frantic doctors and nurses.

Why is CAD the most common heart disease type?
          This truth of the matter is that coronary artery disease (in most cases) is a health concern we inflict on ourselves through lifestyle choices we have made over the years. Examples would be unhealthy high fat eating, smoking, lack of exercise, high stress levels, and packing on the pounds. Any one of these lifestyle choices up the ante for developing this most common heart disease type. Additionally, other very common diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes increase the risk of coronary artery disease.

           But answering our question as to why CAD is the most common heart disease type in a broader sense one could make the case that it is the most common because of its stealth like qualities, especially in the early stages.

          For instance all of us know when we are coming down with a cold or flu and take the appropriate action to reduce their severity and get back on track as soon as possible. But for those who are first noticing the subtle signs of coronary artery disease they will likely continue making the same lifestyle choices that are putting their heart, and their health, at risk until the symptoms get much worse, or they fall prey to a major coronary event.

           Living life to the fullest is only possible if you are around to participate!

What are the warning signs?
          There is no shortage of early warning signs. These would include: fatigue, shortness of breath during mild exercise, shortness of breath while sleeping, shortness of breath from stress, fluid buildup in the legs and ankles, unexplained weight fluctuations, tightness or heaviness in the chest which disappears with rest, an irregular heartbeat, nausea, severe sweating, feeling weak, and in women breast pain or a feeling in the upper abdomen that is similar to indigestion.

What is the cause?
          The heart is muscle and requires oxygen to stay healthy. But what may surprise you is that the heart extracts the oxygen it needs from the coronary arteries, which branch off from base of the aorta. The heart does not extract it's oxygen requirements from the blood flowing through the heart itself. So when the arteries that the heart relies on for oxygen begin to narrow due to fatty trash deposits known as plaque oxygen supply is reduced and heart health is jeopardized. This sets in motion a downward spiral causing the heart muscle to get weaker and weaker over time.

Turning the tables on CAD
         If you are starting to notice symptoms and feel you may have this most common heart disease type now is the time to make some changes with the first step being to set up an appointment with your doctor to confirm your suspicions.

          Next it is time to make those difficult lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking (if you smoke), avoiding secondhand smoke, reducing saturated fat intake to under 10 percent of daily calories, participating in daily doctor approved exercise, reducing stress levels, effectively managing problematic blood pressure, and if needed a natural cholesterol reduction supplement formulated to raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL (bad cholesterol).

        Through early recognition and prompt action you may indeed be able to turn the tables on this most common heart disease type.